Saturday, December 24, 2005

United States v. Hadley: Not My Views on Fresh Accusations!

I must resist the temptation to comment here on every interesting Crawford case that comes down, and while Hammon and Davis are pending I will particularly refrain in general from commenting on cases presenting the type of issue raised there, the applicability of the Confrontation Clause to fresh accusations. But because the opinion of Hon. Gerald E. Rosen, a district judge sitting by designation on the Sixth Circuit, in United States v. Hadley specifically cites my work and contends that the result he reaches (the issue is not addressed by the other members of the panel) is "fully consistent" with my post-Crawford writings, I will say this: Judge Rosen's opinion does not at all reflect my views, and I do not think it reflects my writings, either. He cites my article, The Confrontation Clause Re-Rooted and Transformed, 2004 Supreme Court Review 439, 459-60 (available from Westlaw here or for purchase from the Cato Institute by clicking here). It is, frankly, hard for me to understand how one could read the pages he cites, or the carryover to the next page, and reach the conclusion about my views that he does. To whatever extent the confusion may be attributable to lack of clarity on my part, I hope it will be relieved by my brief in Hammon.

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