Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Second Brooklyn Symposium now available on-line

Papers from the second post-Crawford symposium organized by Bob Pitler at Brooklyn Law School are available on-line, and you can reach them by clicking here. Though the symposium was held just over a year ago, I believe most of the papers are still timely. They represent a wide divergence of points of view. I have already commented on Jennifer Mnookin's paper, in a post on expert evidence. I may comment on others, as time allows.


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Thanks for the link to the Symposium

  2. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Great new picture, Professor!

  3. Anonymous6:20 PM

    sorry this is anonymous, but what about a child who makes a statement to her parents at home AFTER her parents learn of an impending investigation into a neighbors actions w/ other kids? Does this CREATE excited utterance and prevent her from testifiying or being cross examined? Does this tap into her memories after the fact and thus create fear or excitability?
