Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Transcript of Giles argument

The transcript of the Giles argument is available through SCOTUSblog -- actually, it was avialable yestgerday -- and you may see it by clicking here.


  1. What a great debate.

    Of course we would like a short synopsis of the debate by the great Confrontation Prof.

  2. Thanks for the compliment. I will try to post further reactions -- I already have a post on the historical argument -- after I finish writing a n exam!

  3. How wonderful that Justice Breyer called out the central issue -- which pre-colonial rules that attend to this pre-colonial confrontation interpretation are going to apply, and which are not? It's tilting at windmills to suggest that to this Court, but it was decent of him to describe the duplicity of the Court's Crawford policy for what it is.
